Is Hyaluronic acid the New Botox
For years Botox has been the go-to for many wanting to wipe out wrinkles and look younger.
But as new exciting anti-ageing dermal filler brands and treatment are fast taking over as the way to banish those fine lines, collagen-boosting treatments and dermal injectibles that stimulate collagen in the skin, making it look fresh, smooth and plump, rather than Botox which paralysis the muscles to prevent wrinkles.
Ive seen a major shift within my industy over the past 10 years as more and more people opt for natural enhancement’s and treatments.
The most common complaint my clients refer to is, loss of moisture within their skin, this issue is generally due to the skin’s own moisture barrier breaking down, as more broken mutated collagen is being produced with age, causing those pesky lines and wrinkles to form.
As we get older the skin’s ability to naturally produce it own collagen fibres, decreases the skins own metabolism, much like the body’s metabolism, slows down and the skin takes longer to repair and renew itself, it takes approx 21 – 28 days for cell renewal in younger skin 20s and 30, and 28 – 52 days for cell renewal 40s – 50s.
Its no wonder then, that more and more people will invest in more collagen enhancing treatment’s and procedures as they age.
Collagen provides support and firmness and is found deep within the dermal layer of the skin as there is at least 20 types of collegen fibres within the skin, for this reason alone the Medical manufactures of dermal fillers have introduced several types of dermal filler brands and products to the market place, the choice of ”Dermal Filler” treatment options for you to choose have vastly improved.
Elastin provides the skins ability to stretch and spring back into shape, so the more hyaluronic acid that we introduce into the skin, the volume and shape will greatly improve the appearance of these fine lines and wrinkles.
Some Skin Ageing Factors to consider
Genetics – Inherited DNA and structure of our skin.
Ageing of the skin – loss of collagen and elastin, and broken mutated collagen being produced in the skin.
Environmental – free radicals, pollution elements beyond our control, this is why you should never compromise on Sun factor, wearing 50 + is essential no compromise – trust me on this one.
Diet – it is essential that we eat clean healthy foods and drink plenty of water to hydrate and protiens to repair the moisture barrier of the skin.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, If you have a question and want a professional recommendation or ”Dermal Filler” treatment’s, or you’d like more information! don’t hesitate to contact me.
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Thank you for taking the time to read my blog T x.
Tiffany xo.